Women Entrepreneurs Have Made Country Proud, Says NRB Governor

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Women Entrepreneurs Have Made Country Proud, Says NRB Governor

July 5: Maha Prasad Adhikari, Governor of Nepal Rastra Bank said that Nepal should highlight women entrepreneurs as their entrepreneurship has made the country proud in the international community. 

Speaking at the NEWBIZ Business Women Summit and Awards 2024, Governor Adhikari expressed his gratitude and congratulations for organizing programs focused on women's empowerment and entrepreneurship. 

Adhikari highlighted significant improvements in the gender gap, noting a 6% increase in women's inclusion in banking, according to the latest NRB report.

Adhikari revealed that 126,000 people have taken concessional loans from banks, with 75,000 of them being women, who have collectively borrowed Rs 43 billion. 

He urged bankers to support women entrepreneurs. "If any woman is interested in starting a business, do support them making the access to loan easy and simple," he emphasized.

The Governor also addressed concerns regarding the misuse of concessional loans provided to women entrepreneurs. He stressed that as long as the loans achieve their intended objectives, their use should not be misinterpreted. 

Adhikari also encouraged borrowers to develop sustainable business models, noting that subsidies will not last forever. "Nepali women entrepreneurs can compete with any women in the world as they have successfully run hotels and agro farms," Adhikari added.

Governor also invited suggestions as the NRB is preparing for its new monetary policy, aiming to further support and enhance women's roles in the economy.

Similarly, Chief Executive Officer of Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Limited Anirvan Ghosh Dastidar thanked New Business Age for the organization of the programme focused on women.  “We thank the NBA for conducting programs that support women's entrepreneurship, leadership, and empowerment,” said Dastidar. 

He joyfully reminded the unique initiative where the Japanese Yen is made from Nepali paper, with the majority of the workforce being women. Appreciating the 16th national plan focusing on gender equality, he shared "Our association with NBA is strengthened by our Global Connect Program. 

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