Revenue collection from real estate transactions saw a significant surge between mid-December 2024 and mid-January 2025, reaching Rs 4.25 billion, up from Rs 3.87 billion during the period from mid-November to mid-December, according to the Department of Land Management and Archive .
During this time, Rs 304.3 million was collected as service tax, Rs 2.68 billion as registration fees, and Rs 1.6 billion as capital gains tax.
Among the nine land revenue offices in the Kathmandu Valley, the Land Reform and Revenue Office in Lagankhel recorded the highest revenue collection, totaling Rs 409.4 million. Other revenue collections in the valley include Rs 289,084 by Gotikhel Land Revenue Office in Lalitpur, Rs 297.6 million by Bhaktapur Land Revenue Office, Rs 219.1 million by Dillibazar Land Revenue Office, Rs 229.3 million by Chabahil Land Revenue Office, Rs 219.3 million by Kalanki Land Revenue Office, Rs 103.2 million by Sankhu Land Revenue Office, Rs 66.8 million by Manamaiju Land Revenue Office, and Rs 67.7 million by Tokha Land Revenue Office, according to state-owned news agency RSS.
Outside the valley, the Biratnagar Land Revenue Office collected Rs 161.1 million, while the Inaruwa Land Revenue Office in Sunsari collected Rs 109.3 million.
Between mid-October and mid-November, revenue from real estate transactions across the country amounted to Rs 2.7 billion.