Until a few years ago, Prem Bahadur Singh Thakuri faced mockery from locals in Palpa, who dismissed him as "unemployed" when he went door-to-door selling coffee. Today, the story is vastly different. Thakuri, now affectionately known as the “coffee brother,” is a respected entrepreneur in Bhambak, Rampur Municipality-5.
“I stayed determined,” Thakuri shared with the state-owned news agency RSS. “These days, customers come to me to buy coffee.”
Through his business, registered as “Organic Tea and Coffee”, Thakuri has established himself in the production, processing, and marketing of coffee. His coffee has gained popularity in Kathmandu, Pokhara, Butwal, and Tansen. He also exports coffee to international markets.
In the past 10 months, Thakuri has exported approximately 100 kilograms of coffee to South Korea, Japan, Germany, Malta, and the UAE, leveraging the support of friends traveling abroad.
“Quality products will always find a market,” said Thakuri, who ensures his coffee undergoes lab testing at the Food and Quality Control Office in Bhairahawa before sale. He adheres to prices set by the Tea and Coffee Development Board.
Thakuri’s journey into the coffee business began during his eight years of work at a coffee company in South Korea. Witnessing coffee from Gulmi being processed and sold under the brand name “Himalayan Gift” abroad inspired him to return to Nepal and launch his own venture.
Eight years ago, Thakuri started cultivating coffee on five ropani (approximately 0.25 hectares) of land in Chapakot Municipality-4, Syangja. Two years ago, he expanded his operations to 35 ropani in Chapakot-7, Patsar.
In 2021, he installed a processing machine at his home by investing Rs 2.5 million.
In addition to processing coffee, Thakuri produces coffee saplings, which have motivated local farmers to join the profession. “Selling saplings is more profitable than selling processed coffee,” he noted.
Annually, Thakuri processes and markets around one tonne of coffee, combining his own production of 500 kilograms with an additional 1.3 tonnes purchased locally.
Thakuri encourages young people to explore entrepreneurial opportunities in their villages instead of seeking employment abroad. With the rising demand for raw coffee, local farmers now find it easier to sell their harvest.
Rampur Municipality has supported Thakuri’s business by facilitating marketing opportunities.
“We assist entrepreneurs through grants, training programs, and marketing support,” Mayor Raman Bahadur Thapa told RSS. “Products purchased from local entrepreneurs are used as gifts for visitors to the municipality.”
Narayan Prasad Gaire, Head of the Agriculture Department, added that the coffee business has been incorporated into the municipality’s youth self-employment program.
The municipality has allocated Rs 1 million for interest subsidies on loans taken by entrepreneurs. These subsidies are provided for up to two years, with funds deposited every three months.