Laxmi Steel, operating in Sunwal, Nawalparasi (Bardaghat Susta West), has initiated the payment of its outstanding electricity dues for power consumption through dedicated feeders and trunk lines .
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Out of its total dues of Rs 237.9 million, the company paid the first installment of Rs 8.49 million on Friday, March 21, according to Suraj Regmi, Chief of Nepal Electricity Authority’s (NEA) Parasi Distribution Center. Laxmi Steel has committed to settling the full amount in 28 installments.
Similarly, Sarbottam Cement, another major industrial player in Sunwal, has cleared its second installment of electricity dues. The company, which has also pledged to pay in 28 installments, paid Rs 3.76 million on Friday. Sarbottam Cement’s outstanding dues totals Rs 119.6 million.
Read: NEA Doubtful Defaulting Industries will Pay Outstanding Dues within 15 Days: Ghising